Mindfulness aims to teach you how to be more mindful of your momentary experiences and step back from following your autopilot mind.
Everything we do, we do so mostly on autopilot but from a therapeutic standpoint you are encouraged to you are encouraged to become aware of:
Whilst we cannot stop some of these areas from triggering, we certainly can be in better control how we react to them.
When we are practicing mindfulness we do so with curiosity. With the raisin meditation you were encouraged to experience the raisin with curiosity with your 5 senses.
How does this curiosity help with your therapy?
Just as the mindfulness practices in the short course will help you to focus on what your experience is in the present moment without being judgemental of it.
It is hoped that you will equally learn to focus on thoughts, feelings, emotions and urges with the same curiosity.
It is perfectly normal to experience these but the mindfulness approach will help you explore any momentary experience with curiosity rather than following them on autopilot.
Listen to the recording below to familiarise yourself with the breath focus meditation and what it aims to teach you.
Mindfulness is an extremely useful concept and one that is easy to nurture but practice is required.
On this page, and others, you will find drop down boxes like the ones you see below. The notes within the drop down boxes are intended to be informative to help guide you through your mindfulness practice.
Please take your time to absorb the messages and use the notes to help you create personal success with your mindfulness practice
Your formal mindfulness breath focus meditation will be an ongoing practice but to get you started with the breath meditation you will practice with the guided audio for 3 days at least once a day. Feel free to find time for additional practice times.
The importance of regular practice
Scheduling practice time will be paramount for you in order for mindfulness to become part of your everyday life. It can't be stressed enough how useful these mindfulness breathing meditations will be for you in the future so it is hoped that you follow the practice as directed.
Aim to commit yourself to regular daily practice of the formal and informal breath meditations to ensure that you continue to connect with the concept of focused attention.
There may be days where you don't want to practice or don't have the enthusiasm to. This isn’t a problem on its own but you don’t want to get in to the habit early of having a day off!
In these instances remind yourself that the breath meditations are the centre piece of this mindfulness course and that regular practice is required to acheieve the aims of the course.
The guided recording
Now that you have read the guiding notes for the breath focus meditation - it's now time to get started.
It is said that practice makes perfect and that patience is a virtue!
You are encouraged to practice the breath focus meditation regularly with the recording below and at least once each day for the first 3 days of your introduction to the breath meditation.
Remember to schedule your practice time and listen with headphones for maximum benefit.
Session 3 is the next step with your breath focus meditations.
Over the last 3 days you will have already practiced with the formal guided recording many times. The next step is to continue learning this effective mindfulness practice as an informal practice.
This is where your breath meditations will go from the formality of practicing with the guided recording to a practice that you can start to develop and instil in to your day to day life.
It won't be long now until you begin to notice an a trigger such as a run of negative or hostile thoughts or when you begin to feel tense, irritated or frustrated or when you feel the urge to be reactive - where you will be able to say stop - and turn to the breath as a means to re-focus.
But for now...your continued and regular practice is of the upmost importance. Breathing is one thing but being able to hold your focus on the breath when your autopilot mind is trying to distract you is another.
Stick with this practice - the rewards you will benefit from will be unmeasurable.